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  • Published in News

FUD SA has unbelievably wide range of manufactured products. Besides those described in former articles, e.g. small cranes, specialist cranes and cranes with high capacity, gantry cranes also leave our factory.
Gantry crane consists of girder ( platform ) situated on two or more supports (gantries). The equipment moves along runway arranged on the floor. Depending on client’s requirements, we produce single- or double-girder cranes. Of course it does depend on crane’s destined work.
What is more, gantry crane can have lateral outreaches. This addition increases the length of hoist’s drive, increasing at the same time the area of crane’s work. Crane’s control, just as in most of equipment manufactured by FUD SA, depends on client’s wish. Both design and manufacturing of that crane requires from our workers specialist skills due to crane’s measurements.
Like every other lifting device, which leaves our factory, gantry crane is always put to test. However, in this case the whole crane has to be turned 180° around an axis perpendicular to base, in order to perform proper testing. Crane’ s huge size result in equally complicated and laborious transport. Gantry cranes are usually needed in
harbours, on building sites and also on loading ramps. Our clients use this equipment to load, reload and unload ships, cars or semi-trailers. The equipment work mostly outdoors, so it has to be properly constructed and resistant to difficult weather and environmental conditions.


Our Partners

  • Siemens
  • Alstom
  • Michelin
  • Polimex
  • Huta Labedy
  • Solbet
  • Arcelor
  • Granity Skwara
  • Instal
  • JZR
  • Navikon
  • Victoria